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Achieving Health Techquity: A Pathway to Equitable Healthcare Access

As digital health moves to its 3.0 era, the concept of "health techquity" emerges as a crucial principle, ensuring that technological advancements in healthcare serve all communities equitably, particularly those that have been historically marginalized and underserved. The American Medical Association (AMA) underscores the importance of "techquity" as a means to bridge patients to health innovations, ensuring that the digital health evolution does not bypass those who arguably need these advancements the most [1].

Health techquity is not merely a theoretical concept; it is an actionable commitment to ensuring that technological advancements in healthcare, such as telehealth, digital health tools, and health information systems, are developed and implemented in a manner that is accessible, usable, and beneficial to all communities, regardless of their socio-economic, geographical, or cultural contexts.

The significance of health techquity is particularly pronounced in the context of health disparities. Communities that are most likely to experience health disparities, such as low-income populations, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural residents, are often the same communities that face barriers to accessing digital health technologies due to factors like lack of internet access, limited digital literacy, and financial constraints.

To navigate towards health techquity, several key strategies can be employed:

  • Inclusive Design: Ensuring that digital health tools are designed with the input and perspectives of diverse user groups, ensuring cultural and contextual relevance.
  • Affordability and Accessibility: Implementing policies and initiatives that make digital health tools and services affordable and accessible to all, such as subsidizing costs and ensuring availability in multiple languages.
  • Digital Literacy: Investing in programs that enhance digital literacy among populations that may be unfamiliar with using digital health technologies.
  • Policy and Advocacy: Advocating for policies that promote equitable access to digital health technologies and address the social determinants that contribute to digital divides.

In conclusion, health techquity is an imperative that healthcare providers, policymakers, technologists, and advocates must collectively strive towards. By ensuring that the digital transformation of healthcare is inclusive, accessible, and equitable, we can leverage technology as a powerful tool to reduce health disparities and enhance health outcomes for all.


[1] American Medical Association. (2021). Creating “techquity” to bridge patients to health innovations. https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/health-equity/creating-techquity-bridge-patients-health-innovations
2023-08-23 20:16